Our River Girl

Sep 9, 2020

This has been a rough week for the Abare household. Our most senior dog at 13+ years, River, was quite unexpectedly taken to the vet with symptoms of internal bleeding. After blood tests and several scans, River was diagnosed with Hemangiosarcoma, cancer of the blood vessels. There is no cure. Even with surgery the life expectancy was a few more months at best. As good stewards we made the decision to say good-bye without causing River any further anxiety or discomfort.

Our hearts are heavy and the animals in our household miss her majestic presence. We love you River girl.

Looking through photos and sharing our various experiences, we celebrate River’s long life. She was a cattle dog/pointer mix, full of energy, and ran free on five (5) acres in New River, Arizona, for most of her life. River was fortunate to have enjoyed a lush desert landscape with plenty of local critters, the company of several animal companions, and until the very end lived a robust, healthy life.

Happy trails River!